Monday, August 27, 2007

My Funny Boy

Gage is obsessed with "Toy Story", especially Woody. The other day he wanted me to put the movie on for him, so I said "OK, I'll put Cowboy Woody on". So he gets all happy and excited, and says, "Good boy, Mommy!!".

This picture doesn't have anything to do with the story, I just liked it.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Gage's First Camping Trip!

Neither Ryan nor I has been camping in probably 20 years. But since little boys usually love campinng, we decided to start again. Our Church had an outing planned, so that was the perfect way to get going on it.

Here's Gage trying to do his part, but I'm afraid that cooler weighed twice as much as does!

They had a tot playground with lots of cool things to do. This "digger" couldn't have been more perfect for a boy who loves trucks, tractors, construction equipment........."

Campfires and smores were as much fun as I remembered. Gage loved the light stick, of course. All the kids had them, so I'm glad Ryan thought to get some.

Gage had no trouble sleeping. He woke up once, sat up, said, 'Mommy?'. I said, "I'm here...", and he went right back to sleep. My big boy :)

They had karaoke night at the lodge, and guess who was a dancing fool? No, it wasn't me.....

Just chillin'

Here's our group cookout. Why does food taste better outside?

We got some rain, but overall still had a very good time.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Little Boy Blue

We bought blue sand for Gage's sand box. Take a look at the picture, and let me know if you think he likes it :)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

The County Fair

We went to our County Fair this past weekend. It was really nice - I hadn't been in years. We usually go to the State Fair, but it seemed like it might be too much with the little guy. Blazing hot that day......

It came as no surprise that Gage's favorite was the tractors and big trucks. Maybe next year we can see the tractor pull. This year it was going on after his bedtime!

He had his first merry-go-round ride - first with Ryan then with me. He was laughing and scared at the same time.

When we got off he was looking at another BIG ride next to the merry-go-round and pointing to it and muttering, "No ride, mommy, no ride."

The petting zoo was a big hit...for Gage and for us!