Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Craft Market

In the afternoon of Valentine's Day, we went to the local craft market. We bought a lot of stuff, naturally, and had some ice cream. At one point, a local woman was watching me with the baby, and I wondered why. Eventually she came over, and said only this, "God Bless You." I've heard some locals don't approve of American adoptions, but clearly this lady was happy that we were taking Gage into our family. Little did she know, that we think we are the lucky ones.


Angel said...

How funny that you were there o Valentines Day. Not the Marriott right? I was at the Marriott having a B-day party for Zoe. Her first B-day party ever!


Suzanne said...

We stayed at the Clarion. But, I remember that you and Stacy were down there around the same time. I remember about the birthday party, too. I sure hope your case picks up. Zoe's such a sweetie.